Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The explorers gather.

Monday 10th August

We set off from HopwIMGP2202as Woods in the drizzle at 9:30 in a boat covered in leaf-drop, the price you pay for a peaceful mooring in the woods. As we approached Fazely the showers ceased and the sky started to brighten up. At the junction we turned right into the B & F canal, yet more territory that Brenda and I have never done before.

On arrival at Curdworth bottom lock we were 5th in line with Brian and Diana on Harnser just entering the lock at the head of the queue. We were following a charity boat from Maypole that had a completely novice crew and skipper. We assisted to work the locks whilst trying to ensure they were safe. Not an easy task but they were very appreciative of our help. We stopped and filled with water at Dunton Wharf and then joined the group of boats moored at Minworth for the BCN Explorer Cruise. Brenda opened "Megapixies Curry House" on Jannock and 8 people sat down to a delicious "Basingstoke Airfreshener Curry" and rice. During the evening we also consumed a whole box of Vale VPA. We are scheduled for the 9:30 start slot tomorrow.



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