Monday 11th July 2022
… and difficult locks.
We set off at 10am and followed Sacre Bleu up to the Rufford Arm junction. Here we found nb’s Unique and Speedwell blocking the bridge hole whilst waiting for the top lock to be refilled after another boat had passed through. Once they were in the lock we could turn and await the lock by blocking the bridge hole.
As we waited, David on Sacre Bleu received a phone call from CaRT telling him that his Thursday passage on the link had to be cancelled due to Covid within the Savick Brook team. He was offered a replacement slot at the end of August but declined as it is too far away. They were not happy bunnies but decided to continue down to Rufford with us while they tried to find alternatives to their shattered plans.
Then onto the Rufford 1 day visitor mooring and a welcome shower for the hot sweaty lock crew. After the crews were fed, eight of us sat out on the towpath and had a good evening commiserating with those that had been cancelled and discussing our plan B’s should we receive the dreaded call.
As staff shortages due to Covid were given as the reason why Tuesday and Thursday crossings had been cancelled. We could not understand why Wednesday was un-affected in that situation.
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