Friday, August 21, 2020

The hanging Gorilla is still there!

Friday 21st August 2020

No rain today, just reasonable sunshine but with an added strong wind.

We started the day by passing through Common Moor lock and then passing down through all the residential boats moored on the offside. As we approached Lot Mead lock we could see what looked like a CaRT workboat there and so wondered if there was to be another delay to our schedule. However, it was an ex-CaRT workboat and they were waiting in the lock for us to share.

We also shared Batchworth but they stopped at Tesco’s for provisions. On arrival at Stockers we had to turn the lock and didn’t have to wait too long before they arrived to share – all the way to Copper Mill even though they stopped to pick up a butty en-route. The gorilla still hangs from the dis-used building above Springwell although he is now monochrome and his stuffing is starting to fall out. I suspect he’s been there all the time we’ve owned Jannock.

Once through the lock we stopped to fill with water and then moved around the corner from the Coy Carp and stopped again for lunch. Graham spent a couple of hours mending things including fitting the wooden end back onto the tiller as Brenda broke it off today.

On the move once more for a short trip down through Black Jacks and Widewater to moor for the night opposite Harefield marina. A Kingfisher sat on the stern rail of a moored boat did not flinch or fly off as we passed. Best photo chance I’ve ever had of one of these birds.

Our overnight mooring was /// expose.harder.dock

Today’s timelapse video can be seen at

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