Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sssshh–it’s a SECRET Nuclear bunker

We set off at 9am and cruised past this exceedingly cluttered boat into Nantwich. It RubbishBoatmust be an illness that makes people retain so much rubbish and not throw anything out. Even the back deck, under the cover was full of bags of stuff.

We stopped at Nantwich canal centre and refilled the diesel tank with 160 litres. I also checked through their stock of fan belts and managed to get another 1025 as a spare.

HorseStatueThe chap who served us diesel told us of a dreadful accident he had on his own boat when he’d only owned it for 3 days. He admits to not concentrting on the Wigan lock flight and breaking his leg very very badly as a result. The funny thing was that no-one could get to him to get him to hospital until they called . . . . mountain rescue . . . . in Wigan!

We then continued on through Hack Green locks to WorkingBoatmoor next to bridge 85 so that Graham could have access to the road for a car shuffle. He went and collected it from Middlewich and positioned it further down the Shroppie before returning to the boat just before the rain started.

MuffinsWhile he was shuffling, Brenda decided to get all boat-wifey and bake some cake. Lack of planning and relying on ‘historical’ supplies meant she had too little marg – muffins then (see Cut & Pastery). No tinned pineapple – nectarine muffins then. And then I remembered why I cook and bake less in my Italian Bompani boat oven. Unlike a British gas oven, it heats a metal plate in the base so that the hottest part of the oven is at the bottom. No doubt brilliant for Pizza but a good old british bun is almost toast before the top looks vaguely cooked. Does chocolate spread cure anaemia?

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