Monday 3rd June 2019
Despite being moored for the night next to a road bridge with Monday morning traffic expected, we had a really peaceful night until . . . . . the workboats arrived in the morning. Luckily we’d chosen to moor on the right side of the towpath works with our stern just past where they were due to start working. It wasn’t us that had to pass them with a hairs breadth available on the offside.
The upgraded towpaths are lovely – a hard stable tarmac’d surface. None of the loose, white, dusty gravelly stuff that CaRT seem to be using nowadays. Not the surface that washes away, sticks in the tread of shoes and ends up in your boat. We were told that it’s very good but nah, it’s not.
Worst girls name, especially if graffitied – ANALISIA. Sounds like a haemor piles cream or dubious sexual services. “Do you, Analisia take this man ?” That’ll get a titter going in Leigh registry office. We passed Parbella at Leigh so I took this picture for Julian.
Having raised Plank lane lift bridge, passed Jannock through and Graham was lowering it again when a boat pulled out from the moorings coming the other way. It looked as though he might be after the pump-out. We made space for him in the bridge approach as Graham reboarded Jannock and started to move off. It was only then that he asked if Graham would operate the bridge for him as he was single handed. A bit late pal, especially as you didn’t bother to signal with your horn to attract our attention to your need whilst the bridge was up. As we left he just sat in the bridge narrows making no attempt to operate the bridge himself. Maybe he didn’t own a watermate key – who knows.
Onto Wigan and it’s associated water shortages. The pound above the first lock was very low. The junction pound was equally low but with the added complications of a strong wind. Whilst trying to drop G off to operate Henhurst lock Jannock was forced aground by the wind and needed a push from the bank with the boat-pole to refloat once the lock was ready.
Out through the bottom lock into deeper water and Graham decided to turn right instead of left at Wigan pier ably assisted by a strong cross wind. This meant he had to then perform a 180 degree turn to get us facing the right way against said wind.
On past Crooke and under the M6 at Gathurst before mooring for the night at Appley Bridge. We are expecting Peter and Magaret, ex nb Gecko, to visit for a catch up tonight.
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