Friday, June 21, 2019

And so to Burcough

First Kingfisher of the year spotted today!

A late start today as an early shower meant we could fill the watertank and leave it full for the next crew. Although the sun was up, we still needed extra time to get into our polar expedition gear due to the strong cold wind (were Graham to ever go to the polar regions he’d still be inshorts – obviously ;^)Saracens Head

Boating idea of the week – the way boaters highlight their mooring ropes to passing pedestrians varies from old carrier bags to custom made jackets via old washing up bottles and half tennis balls. A visit to the Clas Ohlson store in Liverpool gave us flourescent reflective ‘slap’ bands (£1.99p for two) designed for kids, pets and cyclists. By cutting each band in half and sealing the cut with gaffer tape gave us four short ‘slap’ bands that can be used to go around the mooring ropes highlighting their position.

Approaching Burscough there is evidence of old military style buildings – probably hangers. research revealed that it was HMS (RNAS) Ringtail, a wartime airfield used for training navy pilots to land Seafires on aircraft carriers after they had complete basic flying training.

We arrived at Burscough at 1ish and found that they had put the flags out to welcome us. There is their annual ‘40s’ weekend and raft race combo on so we may stay another day.

As it was ‘moving out day’ preparation evening FishNChips were on the menu for tonight. A quick walk to the chippie but our own containers were too small for our order of two fish suppers and so a paper wrapping was requested. On return to Jannock we found that none of our plates was big enough for the fish, not even the 13 inch plastic trays we usually use for lunch – the piece of fish hung over both ends. Ironically – it was cheaper than two small fish and chips at home.


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