Saturday, October 22, 2016

A quick turn round to end the year.

Saturday 22nd October 2016


The sad news is that we will be leaving this mooring in the spring, the mooring charges have been increased by a sizeable sum and so we feel it is time to move further north to get away from the ‘London Effect’. I was especially peeved that we did not learn of this increase until two weeks into the new mooring year, otherwise we could have stayed further North and not had all those Grand Union locks to deal with.

Brenda and I arrived at Jannock and immediately prepared her for a quick run down to Winkwell to turn her around. Although it would have been nice to share the locks we ended up going solo with Brenda on the boat and me locking (& bridging ;^)

Once through Winkwell bottom lock I hopped onto the bows of the boat just incase she needed some help to wing as the winding point at Winkwell has a nasty tree stump on the north side and can sometimes cause a problem. Luckily, my services were not required during that manouvre so I hopped bank opnto the lockside as we re-entered the lock and went back to working us back up the locks.

Once back onto the mooring, I then gave the engine a 200 hour (203 actually) service, emptied the water system and generally prepared the boat for winter. We’ll be researching where to move to over the winter months.


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