Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Mon & Brec - day #4

 Tuesday 9th July 2024

Welsh drizzle has an amazing capacity to wet as much as a deluge. After a very wet night, which started raining heavily on our return from the river, we awoke to a very damp morning which continued drizzling until about 11:30.


We traveled back down the canal, past Pencelli, through two operational lift bridges and stopped for lunch at Talybont. Back in 1980 we had a terrific evening in the Star Inn and so we decided to lunch there today fro old times sake. Google stated that it opened at 12:00 so not long to wait. We finally wandered down about 12:15 to find a very sad looking pub with a note on the door stating that they opened at 4pm - despite what the canal guide books and Google says. The White Hart next door doesn't open on Mondays or Tuesdays - so it was back to the boat for lunch on the move.


We moved on through the Ashford tunnel and on to Llangynidr locks where the volockies assisted us down through the top 4. At the bottom lock, Graham was asked by a novice hirer who was going to come up the flight, whether they could watch and learn as we came down. As the lock was empty with the gates open, Graham suggested they brought their boat into the lock and he would teach them how to work it. 


Once they were through, we decended and made our way to Gilwern as we wanted an evening meal out tonight. The Towpath Inn appeared to be closed tonight (Good - cos they only do Pizzas! Ed.) so we went to theBeaufort Arms where the food was superb, mostly normal pub food but very well prepared and presented.


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