Monday, July 08, 2024

Mon & Brec - day #3

Monday 8th July 2024

Dinner in the Royal Oak last night was excellent! They also had a good selection of real ales so definitely worth a visit. 

Today we have had a pleasant day cruising through woodland for the most part. Although the sky looked threatening all day, we stayed dry and relatively warm. We set off from Pencelli at 09:00 and Graham drove past Cambrian marina and over the Brynoch aqueduct to Brynoch lock whilst Brenda showered and did ‘things’ inside the boat.


Once through the lock, it was Graham’s turn for a shower. Immediately after the lock Brenda happened across some tree surgeons who were cutting up a fallen tree that had previously been temporarily cleared from blocking the canal. The stump and main trunk were being cut up on the non towpath side and then large chunks were dragged across the canal by a winch and wire cables to the towpath side.


Brenda sat and patiently waited until they signalled her past and then we continued our journey into the basin at Brecon. Gilwern Countess is equipped with a TV for playing DVDs as there is no aerial system on the boat.


Graham decided to trawl the charity shops in town as they usually have set top TV aerials for sale. First shop and he found the ‘Rolls Royce’ of amplified internal/external aerials, absolutely brand new and never use, for £4. Add 2 DVDs and a CD and we had to pay £5 in total – result!

Celebration was taken in the Brecon Tap House, a beer and food emporium, where a beer and a cup of tea were purchased. Then into Alde for supplies before returning to the boat in the basin.


We left the basin at about 3pm and headed back, through Brynock lock where we met the trip boat returning to Brecon, and across the aqueduct to moor on the offside immediately after. Although not towpath side, this length of canal bank has a memorial garden set up and appears to frequently be used for mooring.

After dinner, we wandered through the woods and down to the bank of the river Usk where Graham flew his drone to get some aqueduct pictures/footage.

Back to the boat to watch the revitalised TV and then an exceedingly quiet night.



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