Monday, September 20, 2021

Back to the boat

Monday 20th September 2021

Graham went to Oxford to give a pint of blood this morning. On his return we had lunch and then set off back to Lapworth to find Jannock. Luckily she was in good shape and exactly where we had left her ten days ago.

Once all our stuff was moved aboard using Brenda’s trolley for the long walk from the car park, we then moved her up the Grand Union canal to just beyond the Navigation inn to get away from the trains for a quieter night.

After dinner we went for a walk down the Southern Stratford canal to the first barrel roofed lock cottage before returning to the boat just as it got dark at 8pm.

In the Lapworth Sani-station magazine pile Brenda found a copy of Witch magazine, no not Which but Witch – really!


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