Sunday, May 02, 2021

A visit by the grand-daughters

Saturday May 1st 2021

Moving aboard day. Lots of jobs to do to ready Jannock for a crew with kids cruise tomorrow. Frosts most days in April, so lets hope the weather warms.

It’s been so dry recently that we welcome the deluge that is promised for next week, starting Bank Holiday Monday – just NOT TOMORROW please weather gods.

Graham was surprised how much stuff we had to move from Jannock into the back of the car in order to make the boat ‘toddler safe’

Sunday May 2nd 2021

The weather gods were three star – adequate! The junior Keens’ arrived at Brinklow just after 9am so we had a coffee then off. Out of the marina and turned right towards Rugby. Three excited little girls taking in everything but frustrated that they couldn’t do all those little things that were not safe. That included two and a half year olds wanting to drive the boat all by themselves.

We pulled over at Rugby for a bitsa lunch and a run around on the grassed area by Masters Bridge. We hope everyone was at least full when we continued on our trip.

We continued down to Clifton Cruisers where we just managed to wind at the entrance of the arm with Matt pulling the bows round using a rope. The littluns had got bored now and so it was drawing with crayons and watching a Sean the Sheep DVD in the lounge whilst we returned to Brinklow. Back in the marina, we all went for a walk to find the ponies and their foals in the next field and also had a play around the lake.

Sausage in bread and marmite toast was chosen for tea, with banoffee waffles served by Felicity to follow. A mad half hour of hide and seek, under the bed covers, had the kids so pooped that they were keen to get in the car for a snooze on the way home.

As the rain started we moved Jannock back to our old mooring place, resplendent with new pontoon deck and services posts making it a much safer environment now. A quick tidy up after returning all of the stuff from the back of the car back onto Jannock and then home for a busy week. Hoping to start our summer cruise soon – Covid willing of course.


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