Thursday, July 08, 2021

And into Leicester

Thursday 8th July 2021

Last evenings double thunderclap turned into an horrendous storm. The rain got harder and the river level rose by more than 30cm, the water coming over the weir became more powerful and the towpath was flooded as the river broke it’s banks across the field. We had a very anxious night as the water foamed and bits of tree floated past. Graham re-did the mooring lines a couple of times during the evening and even fitted a centre rope as extra security before we went to bed. We were bumping around so much that re-adjustment was required at 3:30 in the morning as well. At least it had stopped raining by then.

This morning the water level had gone back down again, the towpath was no longer awash so we were away and through Sileby lock with Brenda expertly handing the still quite fierce weir stream on her way into the lock, so her worst nightmare manoeuvre was over.

At Cossington Lock, a woman walking her dog told us that in her Lincolnshire town last week a lightning bolt blew the roof off the local Coop store which then had to give away most of the stock – mixed blessings. Just after Junction lock is the entrance to the River Wreake which was the old Melton Mowbray canal that was the reason we saw a pub called 'the Boat' there last Tuesday.

We have spotted lots of footballs floating in the canal but only managed to pick up one to take home for our Grand-daughters. So the final score was Leicester 13 Jannock 1 – the football’s coming home!


After Birstall lock we rounded a corner and came across a large number of kayaks with youngsters aboard, they scattered on seeing Jannock even though we slowed to a crawl and then waited for their instructors to signal us through. 


As we approached Belgrave lock the National Space Centre was spotted on the right, we would love to visit there but it is only open at weekends and we will be heading towards Foxton by then.


We don’t mind the towpath folk being interested or asking questions about canal boat life. Today’s gems were a teenage boy who asked if we lived aboard and then was amazed to learn that we had a sink and cooker and then wanted to know how we got groceries. Another was an older gentleman who watched Brenda bring Jannock into a lock and then told her that it was a very long boat and that she could actually live on it – she just nodded and smiled.


Into Leicester and we moored up at Friars Mill moorings as they were almost empty. We could not find the shower that is advertised by a sign on the door and during the daytime the pontoon is not behind a secure gate. Once the car gates are closed at the end of the working day then a CaRT Watermate key is required for access. (Castle Gardens had no moorers tied there and is a more secure mooring but we considered that to be too noisy as it’s alongside a main road)

The market in Leicester was packing up when we arrived at 3pm, it seems that Thursday is a ‘bit early’ closing. Brenda will restock Jannock’s larder tomorrow whilst Graham is recovering the car from Nottingham.  

A time lapse video of today's trip can be found at


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