Monday, June 07, 2021

Back to Nottingham

Monday 7th June 2021

As were unable to proceed through Gunthorpe lock we decided to turn and return to Nottingham for a mooch there. The sun was out and we had the river all to ourselves, apart from the ducks, swans and geese – Perfick.


We moored outside County Hall and then got a bus into the city centre. Walking around it was interesting to see the history of Nottingham laid out in street names and the different styles of architecture. It’s certainly a place to visit if you are a lover of international cuisine with so many different countries represented.

We dropped into the brewhouse & microbrewery on our way back to Jannock. Graham was disappointed with the cloudy IPA that was served. We chose to sit outside, Covid and all that, so had to rely on the waitress to know what was available. When asked “what beers have you got?” she described three lagers and then just said “a bitter”  The cider selection was described as “ a mixed fruit one, it’s fruity; and an apple cider” The Lime and Soda Brenda ordered was very refreshing with a good chunk of lime in it! We suspect they rely on their riverside position rather than their microbrewery or brewing acumen to provide their clientele.


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