Where did April go? With birthdays, Easter and wonderful family get togethers it just flew by!
A short run from Newbold, past Cathiron and into Jannock’s new home. We had to wait for Adrian’s return before being allocated a pontoon to moor on, so sat near the entrance and tidied everyhting up ready for a quick exit.
Just after lunch, Adrian and Eric came over and told us we could moor at the bank end of pontoon 9. We’ve only owned Jannock for 17 years and we’ve travelled many miles in her over that time but today was the first time I had ever tried to get a boat onto a pontoon mooring, between two other boats already moored there, in a strong cross wind.
My first attempt ended with Jannock neatly broadside across the end of 5 pontoons and no amount of engine would move us off. With some hefty shoving by the marina crew I managed to reverse her almost back to the entrance and then try another attempt. Luckily, with the experience of the first attempt fresh in my mind, and a better idea of the wind direction I managed it this time without causing any damage to either pontoons or adjacent moorers.
When we had moored for the night opposite Bugbrooke marina last weekend, I had observed their wind sock and passed comment to Brenda about it. I now fully understand why they have one and what it’s for ;^)