Sunday, October 09, 2016

Autumn Soddit Cruise- Day #2

Sunday 9th October 2016

After a peaceful night at the end of the Wendover arm we set off back towards the mainline after breakfast. If it wasn’t for the planes going into Luton airport this would be one of my all time favourite overnight moorings.


There were some fishermen gathered by Tringford pumping station, it’s a bit like shooting fish in a barrel here as the water is clear and all the fish gather to enjoy the freshly oxygenated water that has been pulled up from the reservoirs. The corner by the mill was bit bit more tricky going this way but we made it round OK. Then along the summit to Cowroast lock to start our descent towards Bourne End and the end of our summer cruise.

No dramas this trip with the run down being shared with several other boats as well as a few locks done solo. Once back at our mooring, I left Ian and Brian to tidy up the boat (and do some fishing I expect) while I went back to Slapton to fetch the car ready for our trip home.


(posted a bit late as I’m trying to catch up)

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